Best Android Backup Apps

Best Android Backup Apps and Other Ways to Backup Android

Whether you use an Android or iPhone, you need to make sure your information is safe. Below are some of our best backup apps for Android phones and other ways to backup your Android device.

Backing up your Android device is important, but the process can be difficult when you have to find the right app or set of apps to help you keep your apps safe, your contacts safe, and all of your photos safe.

One of the most important things you should do if you own an Android device is always backup your files. No one really knows precisely when things will go wrong. And losing any of your stuff when such events occur can be heartbreaking, especially when you know you will never get them back.

Fortunately, there are several ways to backup your applications and files on Android. You will discover the best Android Backup Apps in the next few moments.

It must be mentioned that your best options as a root user are Google’s native backup and cloud storage.

Best Backup Apps For Android:

Autosync by MetaCtrl

Autosync for Google Drive
Autosync for Google Drive
Developer: MetaCtrl
Price: Free
  • Autosync for Google Drive Screenshot
  • Autosync for Google Drive Screenshot
  • Autosync for Google Drive Screenshot
  • Autosync for Google Drive Screenshot
  • Autosync for Google Drive Screenshot
  • Autosync for Google Drive Screenshot
  • Autosync for Google Drive Screenshot
  • Autosync for Google Drive Screenshot

Autosync refers to a series of backup applications by MetaCtrl and is available for Google Drive, Dropbox, MEGA, OneDrive, and Box as separate applications. Each of these applications allows you to back up your files automatically, and each file syncs both ways.

This means that if you upload a movie or document to Drive, Autosync for Google Drive puts the document or movie on your Android device and vice versa. Users can choose the types of files that go straight to the cloud, sync intervals, etc.

The premium features include support for files much larger than 10MB, a passcode set, multiple folder syncing support, zero ads, and significantly improved support options.

Also Read: Best Scanner Apps For Android To Scan Documents And Convert It Into PDF

Backup and Restore – APP & SMS

Backup Your Mobile is another excellent solution for backup applications for anyone who doesn’t need several features. It can conveniently back up several things, including MMS, system settings, SMS, call logs, applications, and many other bric-a-bracs.

The user interface is relatively simple, and anyone can use it to back up their stuff within a few minutes.

G Cloud Backup

G Cloud Backup
G Cloud Backup
Developer: Genie9 LTD
Price: Free
  • G Cloud Backup Screenshot
  • G Cloud Backup Screenshot
  • G Cloud Backup Screenshot
  • G Cloud Backup Screenshot
  • G Cloud Backup Screenshot

G Cloud is another cloud storage alternative that is explicitly created for device backups. It can manually or automatically back up your contacts, videos, SMS messages, photos, call logs, music, documents, etc. It can even back up your settings in some instances.

G Cloud Backup provides users with 1GB free of charge, and you can even earn more storage for free with numerous little gags within the application. It has no association with Google in any way.

Swift Backup

Swift Backup
Swift Backup
Price: Free
  • Swift Backup Screenshot
  • Swift Backup Screenshot
  • Swift Backup Screenshot
  • Swift Backup Screenshot
  • Swift Backup Screenshot
  • Swift Backup Screenshot
  • Swift Backup Screenshot
  • Swift Backup Screenshot

Swift Backup is one of the most decent backup applications for apps. It can seamlessly copy APK files to your cloud storage or internal storage as required. You can share APKs; check the package’s name, date installed, the app version, etc.

Some additional options include:

Material Design

An uninstall option

Auto-backup function in case users want to be lazy with it

Make sure you follow every instruction given by the application, or you risk losing all your data.

Bottom Line:

There are several ways to backup your applications and files on Android. You can use an external storage device such as a hard drive, or the cloud. You can also backup your information through some dedicated backup apps, or even through some cloud applications. We recommend that you use multiple tools to backup your important data just in case one method fails for any reason.